Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Unity Of Relegion

Salam Kasih
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Love

There are people who perform all the ancient rituals, who offer all the sacrifices which the sacred texts prescribe, who drink the sacred drinks, who keep themselves from committing any sin, and who pray regularly.They will be rewarded for their efforts: They will go to a realm above the earth, and enjoy many blessings and pleasures. But when these blessings and pleasures are complete, they will return to earth, and be trapped once more in the cycle of death and rebirth. Performing rituals cannot liberate a person from the chains of desire.

But those who worship Me, who meditate upon Me constantly, and who live in perfect harmony with Me, will attain perfection. I shall not merely provide for their needs, but I shall give them far more.

I make no distinction between one religion and another. People may worship Me in any form they wish. The form of worship does no matter to Me; My only concern is the qualitiy of love which is expressed in worship. I accept every kind of worship, because I am supreme

Best Regards
Taken from The Bhagavadgita, IX. 20-24
Jakarta, December 03-2010. 15.42

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