Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Grow In Loving Devotion & Surrender To The Divine

 Sisya: "Guru, How can we grow in loving devotion and surrender to The Divine?"

Guru: Dear all- As one advances in surrender from the stage, “I am Thine” (Thavaivaham), to that of, “You are mine” (Mamaiva-thwam) and then to “You and I are One” (Thwame-vaham), the devotee has progressively acquired the devotion that makes one inseparable from the Lord, called Avibhaktha-bhakthi. In this stage, the devotee can no more withhold oneself and hence offers all to the God - that completes one’s surrender. This state of “Thou art I”, is based on the realisation that everything is the Lord Himself, nothing less.

So long as body consciousness persists, the devotee is the servant and Lord, the Master. And as long as an individual feels separateness from other individuals, there is body consciousness. When one progresses beyond the limits of the body, beyond that of ‘I’ and ‘Mine’, then there is no more distinction; the devotee and God are one and the same. In the Ramayana, Hanumantha achieved this third stage through his devotion.

Namaste _/|\_ I W Sudarma (Jro Mangku Danu)

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