Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Lord Shri Krshna...Help Me

harder & harder

Hare Krshna
Oh Krshna! Paduka tidak dapat dilukiskan
Yang melampaui jangkauan pemahaman manusia
Mungkinkah saya memperkirakan kebesaran & kemuliaan Paduka?
Selama ini saya menunggu-nunggu belas kasihan Paduka

Oh Tuhan, mohon dengarkan doa saya dan selamatkan saya
Padukalah yang menghidupkan kembali putra Guru Paduka-Sandiipani
Padukalah yang menundukkan Naga Kaliya
Membebaskan Vasudeva dan Devakii
Serta menyelamatkan Drupadi dari pelecehan

Paduka mengabulkan aneka keinginan Kuchela
Paduka mengubah Kubja yang buruk menjadi jelita
Paduka melindungi Pandava bersaudara
Dan menyelamatkan 16.000 Gopika

Paduka tidak dapat dilukiskan
Dan melampaui jangkauan pemahaman manusia

Oh Krshna...
Bahkan Brahma pun tak mampu melukiskan kebesaran Paduka
Selama ini saya berdoa memohon belas kasihan Paduka

Kepada Padukalah saya mengadu, memohon dan berserah diri
Saya sandarkan jiwa-raga ini hanya kepada Paduka
Karena Paduka penguasa masa lalu, sekarang dan akan datang
Padukalah pemilik kehidupan ini
Demikian pula hidup dan kehidupan saya hari ini dan esok

Krshna Kanhaya Radhe Govinda
Jay Nandalala Hare

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Disccusion With My True Self

A disccusion with my True Self

When you feeling of being burdened something very serious....
Well judging from people’s faces, it must be serious..!!!
One begins to wonder if smiling and happiness, have now become illegal.

Do you not have one responsibility to your self, to others and even to God?
That is to make the best of the life you live.

You don’t wanna spent all your times to worrying, weeping, and wailing...?!
You must have times to constructive and make a real attempt to improve your situation..!
Cause you know it from your experience that it is futile to be dependent on other people so you must learn to help your self a little.

The first step in that you task is to keep the thought of being light,
Free from burdens......
Yes of course you have all performed wrong actions, some more than others,
but if you walk around constantly with a bag of sins on your head
You will never able to run your face towards the Sun and allow that warmth and light to fill you with strenght.

Cause I son
God the Father af all mankind, is there to help, to guide, to wash the dirty linen of your soul.
There are those who feel that you need something to worry about......!
But if that is the case then instead of worrying about limited material things,
Which only last for a short period......

Why not concern your self with how to improve your personality, your potential, your emvironment, your world....!

With this concern you can experience happiness because as your efforts for self-development increase there is the instant achievement of peace.....!

Cause peace is the foundation of happiness.

by: I W Sudarma

Monday, May 24, 2010

Malaikat Pelindung

 Oleh: I Wayan Sudarma

harder & harder

Setiap orang yang terlahir ke dunia pasti mempunyai Istadevata (Guardian Angel). Gurdian Angel adalah manifestasi Tuhan yang ditugaskan untuk menuntun, membimbing, menemani, melindungi kita seperti namanya Guardian Angel. Tapi tak jarang orang tidak percaya, terhadap keberadaannya, bilapun percaya tak jarang kita tidak dapat merasakan kehadirannya, bahkan kita tidak dapat melihatnya. Kita hanya bisa merasakan pertolongannya pada saat kita sedang dirundung berbagai persoalan; kesepian, atau disaat kita sedang sedih dan kecewa.

Bagaimana dengan Anda..apakah Anda juga tidak merasakan berbagai pertolongan yang Anda dapat ketika Anda sedang mengalami berbagai permasalahan, saat kita kesusahan dan kesepian...? Adakah Anda merasakan bahwa Dia "menemani" Anda dikala suka dan duka?

Barangkali kita akan menganggap hal itu sebagai mujizat yang diberikan kepada kita secara cuma-cuma! Tapi pernahkah kita berpikir bahwa itu mungkin saja pertolongan yang diberikan Guardian Angel yang selalu menemani kita dengan setia!

Mungkin saja Guardian Angel melakukan tugasnya, tapi yang pasti Ia mempunyai tugas Tersendiri untuk mejaga Aku-Anda dan kita semua.

Seperti hari ini Aku merasakan betapa Guardian Angelku telah menuntunku menjadi lebih sabar, membimbing langkahku agar aku dapat meraih cita-citaku, menjagaku agar aku selalu fokus dan penuh setia, melindungiku dari segala bentuk keragu-raguan yang saat ini sedang menderaku, dan yang selalu menemaniku penuh setia untuk menanti di sini...!

Apakah kini Engkau dapat merasakan Guardian Angelmu...?

Dedicated to my Guardian Angel...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Eye Are Windows To The Soul

harder & harder

When was the last time that we were able to lool someone straight in the eye? Perhaps this is not such a strange question we know. For many people these days it is quite difficult if not impossible to look into the eyes of someone when we are speaking to them. Why is this? Well it is often said that the eyes are windows to the soul and no matter how hard we try, whatever we are experiencing inside will in some way be reflected in our eyes. If we are pretending to be sweet and polite to someone but in our mind we hate being in their company, then our eyes will reveal that hatred. If there is deep love for someone that too will be seen in our glance. For centuries it has been known that the eyes contain many of a person's secrets. People may not be able to read our mind, but there are many who can read our eyes.

Perhaps this is why we are reluctant to trust someone who is shifty-eyed, someone whose eyes are jumping from one place to another while they talk to us. We sense that either they have something to hide or they are not telling the truth.

On the other hand when someone is being on the level they will look we straight in the face without fear or uncertainty and tell us like it is. One wonders if the craze for wearing sunshades is not just a way of hiding what the eyes have to say.

If the eyes are windows to the soul, do we keep our eyes clean? Dirty eyes indicate that we have something to hide

Taken from: just a moment

Sunday, May 16, 2010

In My Own Words

harder & harder

I find that great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes againts it-but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.

Cause real life isn't a series of interconnected events occurring one after another like beads strung on a necklace. Life is actually a series of encounters in which one event may change those that follow in a wholly unpredictable, even devastating way. That's the deep truth about the structure of our universe. But for some reason, we insist on behaving as if it were not true.

Sure.. We should not live on the clouds on a superficial level. We should dedicate ourselves to understanding our brothers and sisters.To better understand those we live with, it is imperative that we understand ourselves first.

Dedicated by: I Wayan Sudarma