Monday, April 26, 2010


harder & harder

We all know how very important thoughts are. Thoughts are the necleus from which every action, every vibration springs. Thoughts shape our world. Thoughts are fertilised by knowledge. A person with a certain kind of knowledge usually has thoughts in harmony with that knowledge. Knowledge gives wisdom, for a person without knowledge is a person whose thoughts will be formed in ignorance. The results of ignorance, or living from a thought level of ignorance yields deadly results.

Even more deadly are the results of living on a thought level of incorrect or inaccurate knowledge. Before men had correct knowledge of the shape of the world, they thought that it was flat. Think how this thought, based on incorrect knowledge must have affected their lives. No doubt their belief systems must have evolved around this thought; their cultural patterns, attitude & expression must have been clearly influenced by this incorrect knowledge. Also interesting is that the incorrect thinking was not just isolated to just one individual or a group of individuals, it was a mass popular thinking. We can call it mass ignorance.
Today we also live in a world where there is inaccurate, incorrect & inadequate knowledge. Many people still have improper knowledge of themselves, about their destiny, about their purpose in life & about God. These inaccuracies lead them to live a life of improper action based on improper thoughts.

One of the most inadequate bits of knowledge in today’s world is that of SELF. To explore & define oneself only in the physical is a great error. To think that you are only your body is to be conscious. To be body conscious, means that you express your whole life though inaccurate perceptions base on inccorect knowledge.

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