Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yang Kasar & Yang Halus

Salam Kasih

"Jagalah tubuh agar kuat dan pikiran tetap tenang" (Vedanta)

Manusia secara umum terdiri dari Tubuh dan Pikiran. Segi yang kasar adalah tubuh dan yang halus adalah pikiran. Kedua segi itu harus dijaga agar selaras.

Bila tubuh dirusak atau mengalami kerusakan, akibatnya juga akan menimpa pikiran. Sama halnya dengan perubahan dalam riak pikiran akibatnya akan mempengaruhi tubuh. Contohnya, adalah saat kita mengalami kesedihan dalam pikiran~ini akan melemahkan yang lainnya. Di antara keduanya, pikiranlah yang lebih kuat. Hal itu disebabkan karena yang halus menguasai yang kasar. Ketika pikiran bersemangat tubuh akan menjadi sehat dan segar, demikian pula sebaliknya.

Rahayu _/I\_ Jro Mangku Danu (I W Sudarma)
Catatan pinggir Jalan, Tambora-31072013
* Inspirasi dari: Vedanta

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Salam Kasih
Berada dalam titik terendah,.
Bukan berarti kita kalah,.

... Berada dalam keadaan susah,.
Bukan berarti harus menyerah,.

Titik terendah mengajarkan kita untuk dapat berubah,.

Keadaan yang susah menyuruh kita untuk jangan pernah putus asa,.

Walau hidup tak mudah,.
Jalanilah dengan indah,.

Walau hidup terasa lelah,.
Jangan pernah berhenti untuk melangkah,.

Selamat Pagi Saudara-saudariku tercinta.
Mentari Telah Menampakkan Sinarnya,.
Semoga Hari-Hari kita Terus Bersinar Dalam Penuh Anugerah.

Manggalamastu & Rahayu _/I\_ I W Sudarma

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Salam Kasih
Bijaksana tidak ditandai oleh tuanya usia,
tidak oleh kulit yang semakin keriput,
tidak oleh semakin suramnya keremajaan,
tidak pula oleh kian memutihnya rambut atau sejenisnya. Orang yang bijaksana adalah orang yang telah memahami hakekat hidup. Yang begitulah yang disebut bijak (pradnyan). Itulah sarana guna menyeberangi samudera kelahiran dan kematian. (Sarasamusccaya.510).

Rahayu _/|\_ Jro Mangku Danu (I W Sudarma)

Monday, July 8, 2013

To Knowing The Right Action

Sisya: "Guru, How do we know what is the right course of action for us?"
Guru: "Dear all-There is no use in asking a doctor to advise you about the plans for the building you propose to raise, nor is it wise to ask an engineer to assuage the pain. Go to the proper Guru and learn from him the cardinal principles to guide your lives.
Take time to understand, internalize and practice – what is your code of conduct, what does it allow, what does it condemn, why should it be followed? You must evolve your own code of conduct (Athma Dharma) centred on the Divine, appropriate to your situation, which is based on the firm belief on the omnipresence and omnipotence of the Divine Self which pervades the entire Universe."

Namaste _/|\_ I W Sudarma

Thursday, July 4, 2013

How To Have Dictum "Love All Serve All

Sisya: "Guru, What should we do to have a dictum Love All Serve All in our daily life?"
Guru: "Dear all-The first step to love all and serve all is to expand love in your own homes. You must revere and please your parents who gave you this chance to live and learn. If you ill-treat them or inflict grief on their minds, how can you ever gladden others by service and understanding? You know that when a balloon is blown, it bursts and the air inside it merges with the vast limitless expanse outside.
Similarly your love must fill your home, then the society you live, and finally burst open to spread in the Universe. A drop of water held in the palm is soon evaporated; but drop it into the sea and it survives as a part of the sea.
It assumes the name and the taste, the majesty and might of the sea! Cultivate Love; sow the seeds of love in all hearts, everywhere around you. That is my wish to all of you"
Namaste _/|\_ I W Sudarma (Jro Mangku Danu)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ramayana Always Important & Relevan

Sisya: "Guru, Why is Ramayana still and always important and relevant for us. What is the main principal of these history?"
Guru: Dear all-The Rama principle (Tattva) is laden with many subtle secrets. The Rama history is of exemplary excellence ethically, spiritually and materially as well. Rama was the embodiment of the four cardinal principles: truth, righteousness, love, and peace.
The history of Rama teaches us how one should live in the world and conduct himself in the family as well as in society. It also teaches us how one should retain one’s individuality and shape one’s personality.
Only when we shape ourselves into a strong personality can we conduct ourselves ideally in the family and in society. He also enshrined in Himself the principles of equanimity, unity and bliss.
This principle of bliss is latent in every human heart. Understand and internalize that each and every one of you have a right to realise and enjoy this principle of bliss, which is the real Rama Tattva.

Namaste _/|\_ I W Sudarma (Jro Mangku Danu)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Recitation Of And Meditation

Sisya: "Guru, Why is recitation of and mediation on the divine name essential?"
Guru: Dear all-Just as fish can live only when it is immersed in water, so too man is an animal that can live well only when immersed in bliss (ananda). One must have ananda not only at home and society but more importantly, in the heart as well. In fact the ananda in the heart spreads joy all around. The heart is the spring of bliss which has to be charged by constant meditation, recitation and the intermittent dwelling on the glory, the grace and the manifestations of the Lord (smarana, chethana and manana).
Without giving way to doubt or despair, hold fast to the goal and never turn back. The one devoted to God knows no failure. The name of the Lord, if taken sincerely will help you overcome all obstacles. When the Saviour is by your side, why doubt whether you will be saved?

Namaste _/|\_ I W Sudarma (Jro Mangku Danu)