Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Barometer To Indicate An Educated Person

harder & harder
Dear All

Your forefathers achieved prosperity, peace and joy and succeeded in attaining their goals only through faith. If you lose faith, you are certain to fall.

For, faith is the very breath of life. When there is no breath, one becomes a shavam (corpse). With the breath of faith, you become Shivam (Divine), the same as the Lord Himself. Faith can endow you with all forms of power and render you full and complete (poorna).

For, Atma, by its very nature, is self-sufficient and full. No other Sadhana (spiritual exercise) is needed to realise that state. Purity and self-sufficiency (paripoornatha) is also your true nature. Impurity and insufficiency are alien to mankind. You should not ignore or forget this fact.

Real education must arouse this faith and infuse the awareness of this fullness in every activity. This is the essential aim, the core of the right type of education.

-Vidya Vahini, Ch 14.

How can we outgrow the "Me" and "Mine" attributes?

harder & harder

Dear All

Desire and bondage to the objects desired and the plans to secure them are attributes of the jeevis (individualized selves), not of the Self or atma resident in the body.

The sense of “me” and “mine” and the emotions of lust and anger originate in the body-mind complex.

Only when this complex is conquered and outgrown can true virtue emanate and manifest. The sense of “doer” and “enjoyer”, of being an agent, might appear to affect the Atma, but they are not part of the genuine nature of the Atma.

Things get mirrored and produce images, but the mirror is not tarnished or even affected thereby. It remains as clear as it was. Every jeevi has these as genuine, basic attributes: purity, serenity, and joy. Every individual is ebullient with these qualities.

- Sutra Vahini, Chap 1, "Renouncing Me and Mine".

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nyanyian Seorang Pencari Kesujatian....

harder & harder
Salam Kasih

Ijinkan aku merenda rajutan lusuh pikiranku yang semakin pikun.....

Yang telah mengenal Yang Serba Maha....

karena mereka sudah mengenaliNya lewat pencelupan yang totalitas,

Hingga bisa nyanyikan kidung bernada merdu...??

Anda adalah Jiwaku, Oh... Yang Maha Suci.

Kepintaranku adalah istriMu.

Nafas ini adalah pembantuMu.

Badan ini adalah puraMu.

Setiap sensasi yang aku terima lewat panca indra

Adalah persembahan untuk memujaMu.

Membuka mataku adalah membakar lilin di depan altarMu.

Mendengarkan suara dengan sebelah telingaku adalah membunyikan bel altarmu.

Tidurku adalah meditasimu yang kekal abadi.

Setiap langkahku adalah prosesi mengelilingi altarMu.

Setiap patah kata yang saya ucapkan adalah lagu pujian.

Setiap tindakanku adalah persembahan untukMu....

Wahai ...Yang Maha Suci

Semoga Kalimatku untukMu tidak terpisahkan dari hidupku yang singkat ini,

Sebab setiap nafasku merupakan pengulangan pikiranMu Yang Maha,

Sadarkan aku....bahwa setiap sensasi berasal dari sumber yang satu itu....adalah Dikau,

Jadikan aku bhaktaMu

Oh....Yang Maha Suci,

Agar aku mampu selalu bersua denganMu,

Agar aku mengenalMu lebih pasti,

Lewat pencelupan totalitas yang telah Engkau ajarkan padaku.....

disunting dari catatan harian PS

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Sea Of Life

harder & harder

Violence rages in my heart;
My body is like a cage in which a restless tiger prowls.
In my anguish I have broken the devine spoon
The spoon with which I used to consume God's grace.
I feel as if I am a frog in the mouth of a snake:
I am gripped by terror,
But cannot escape.
Lord...look upon me with love and save me.

I am tossed about on the surging sea of life.
My heart is no more than a flimsy raft,
And my mind is merely a pole;
The raft gives no protection against the rock of desire,
And the pole cannot steer me through the currents of comfusion.
Lord....replace my folly with your wisdom, and save me...

I am not. Awild beast,
And yet I behave like one.
Will I never know your peace, O God?
Must I beg in vain?
For what purpose was I born into this world...

by: I Wayan Sudarma